The HTML Title is used by client software (like Lynx or Mosaic) to title the window of the currently displayed document, or maintain a history list of browsed documents. Select the text you wish to use as the HTML document title, then choose the Title command from the HyperText menu. The <TITLE> tags will be added to enclose the desired title text.
To set some text as comment (so that it won't be displayed by the WWW client), select the desired text and choose the Comment command from the HyperText menu. The shortcut for this command is Command-Minus.
Choosing the Image... command from the HyperText menu ("h") gives you the option of using the current text selection as the image file URL, or alternately brings up a standard file dialog to select an image file, which is coded in the form:
<IMG SRC="folderName/documentName.GIF">
Note that the HTML code describing a thumbnail image which clicks to a full size image is:
HTML.edit will automatically insert the current date (in one of three formats) into your HTML document when exporting your document to a text file.
The HyperText menu contains an Insert Date hierarchical menu item with three submenu items. Selecting some dummy text and choosing a date format (Short Date: ‘4/23/94’; Abbreviated Date: ‘Sat, Apr 23, 1994’; or Long Date: ‘Saturday, April 23, 1994’) substitutes the text selection with a code used on export to substitute the code with current date.
Consult with the A Beginner's Guide to HTML for more details on each HTML format. To set a selection of text as a specific format, select it with the mouse, then choose the desired format from the hierarchical command Format. These HTML formats include Address, Blockquote, Bulleted List, Directory, Glossary, Listing, Menu, Numbered List, and Preformatted.
Formats related directly to font style are found under the Font menu (the "A " button). HTML font styles include Plain Text, PLAINTEXT, Typewriter, Bold, Italic, Underline, Emphasis, Strong Emphasis, and Citation. Choosing the Index command and a specific style returns a list of all occurrences of that style within the document. To close the Index list, click on its close box. See also HTML Code Indexing.
Remove HTML Codes
Removes common HTML tags from the current text selection. Will not process Anchors, Images, or tags in complex formats.
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